
Oskar Blues Award Ceremony:

Enchiladas and post-race festivities will kick off at approximately 3:00pm back down at the Cottonwood Pavilion Expo where the race started.

A combination of cash & merchandise will be given to the fastest racers overall regardless of category;  total combined value of payout:

Marathon Men ten deep – $300,270,240,210,180,150,120,90,60,30
Marathon Women ten deep – $250,200,160,140, 120,100,80,60,40,20

Marathon Singlespeed Men three deep – $150, 100, 50

Half Marathon Men five deep – $200,160,120,80,40
Half Marathon Women five deep  - $125,100,60,40,20

Awards given to top 3 in each category.
  Must be present to receive award, or have a friend pick it up for you.